Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16/ Jr, Little, and Sweetheart Miss Rodeo Washington Pageant

As I stood there at the front of the room waiting for each of the contestants to come up and draw a number, it seemed so funny to be on the other side of the pageant to be able to watch all of these amazing young girls who some day want to be in my shoes come up anxious to start the day. First on the schedule was horsemanship which each girl for the little and jr division had to some in and do equitation before they could do their reigning pattern.All of the girls did a really good job controlling their horses and making them do what they needed to even though some of them were being little stinkers! The sweetheart contestants on the other hand only had to do a horsemanship pattern on a stick horse which I got to demonstrate the pattern for and had a blast doing it:)

Finally it was time for the fashion show to start all of the contestants came out with there colors and did their dance which was super cute and all the girls looks like they were having fun. While the contestants changed into their dresses I got to entertain the crowd with some of my stories so far. Next were modeling, speeches, and impromptu questions which Taylor and I got to ask. After everything was being counted and tallied up I got to talk with the girls and let them know that they all did a wonderful job:)
All the contestants, Taylor and I :)
Having some fun!!

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