Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 7-10/ Miss Rodeo Arizona Pageant

After meeting up with Miss Rodeo New Mexico Kaycee McDaniel, we headed to the horsemanship portion of the contest which I think went really well. Then we all enjoyed pizza at a local pizza place and got to talk with the girls and really get to know them for the first time. That night was dance practice which went really well because the dance seemed a lot harder than it actually was. Finally I got to go meet my host family which were really nice and their home was beautiful with a pool and barn in the back, I got my own room and bathroom.
At horsemanship:)

The next day was the informal modeling and speeches and the girls did great with it being outside. Then it was off to the rodeo to carry flags and do run ins. The stock contractor Honeycutt was nice enough to let Kaycee and I use some of their horses. The rodeo started out with a prayer and then out of no where the lights just went off and it took about twenty minutes before the lights came back on and we finally got to start the rodeo. Our horses did great and the night was wonderful. Saturday was supposed to be the parade, but when I woke up the next morning it was pouring and the parade was rained out. So after breakfast we made our way to Saba's to sign autographs and invite people to the fashion show that night. It was finally time for the fashion show which all of us had been rehearsing for the modeling and speeches were first and all the girls did great. Kaycee and I changed into our dance routine outfits and went back stage with the girls to get ready for the She's Country dance. It was a blast and everyone loved it:)

As the competition came to a close it was finally time for the results and the winners are Audrey Hall who said, "As she stood on the stage at the end of the pageant, 21-year-old Audrey Hall was certain she wouldn't win the title of Miss Rodeo Arizona 2011.'I thought it was a pretty close competition and I didn't know how I would pull through. I knew I had done the best job I could, but part of me felt like I had blown it.'"  Miss Teen Rodeo Arizona was Brittany.
 <----Jayme one of the queen contestants, Kaycee and I at the fashion show.

On the bike that Kasey rode in on:)

 Sunday afternoon of the Cave Creek rodeo we arrive just like any other day until I look over and of all people to see...someone from my hometown no way haha it was Francis Marchand. He was up in bull-riding and I was excited to watch a hometown boy compete, he had an amazing 88 point ride and won not only the bullriding but all round as well. It was a great week in the wonderful Arizona sun and I enjoyed meeting all the people there, but it was time to head back home to the rain!
Francis and I at the rodeo:)

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