Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cowboy Christmas is here!! 4th of July

Seth Emerson and I, my long lost cousin from Louisiana:)
Fourth of July weekend took me to Oregon for 3 of the hundreds going on during this time of year, I started out in Eugene which was so much fun the committee and everyone involved in the rodeo was so welcoming and made me feel right at home. The horse I got to use was one of the drill teams and it was a big black horse, since I had just received my pink chaps I decided to wear them most of the weekend. I got the chance to watch the Eugene rodeo in the stands with the crowd and I met some great people who were interested in hearing more about rodeo and it was great to be able to explain the sport I love to some new fans.
Mackenzie(Miss Rodeo Oregon), Myself, and Ann ( Miss Rodeo Nevada) in Molalla,OR
The next morning it was off to Molalla,OR for the Molalla Buckaroo Rodeo, where I met up with Cindy who actually used to carry flags at the Omak Stampede, so it was nice to see a familiar face. After completing grand entry Ann and I went and checked out all the booths and even tried on some of the random hats and things we found at the booths. Since St. Paul wasn't to far from Molalla I decided to drive there to stay with Jamie( Spokane Interstate Queen).
Jamie and I with the Pendleton Round Up Royalty

Jamie and I with the Mexican Performers

Jamie and I with Taylor (Miss Teen Rodeo WA)

I spent the rest of the weekend in St. Paul and if you've never been its a must see rodeo its start out with a parade of all the royalty and then they have several extra events during the rodeo that you don't see at most places like wild horse races or the pig race. While I was here I also had the chance to finally meet Seth Emerson who everyone kept asking if I was related to because we had the same last name, so we told people we were long lost cousins haha:) I had a great 4th of July weekend and met so many new people, it was amazing to travel around Oregon and see different rodeos I've never been to.

Jamie, Stetson Vest and I
God Bless and Happy Trails:)

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