Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27/ Grays Harbor Posse Rodeo-Elma,WA

Up at 5am to make the 4 hour drive over the pass to Elma, Washington since I had never been there I decided it would be best to leave earlier rather than have just enough time to get there. Well I ended up being 3 hours early to the rodeo which was nice to have some down time. JJ Harrison and Steve Kenyon were the barrel man and announcer of the rodeo which made it that much better.

Me, JJ Harrison, and Miss NPRA
I was honored to be the first Miss Rodeo Washington since 1994 to make it to the Elma rodeo, it was a wonderful rodeo and I really enjoyed doing the stick horse races with kids at the rodeo. I would like to thank the rodeo committee for inviting me and showing me such a great time :)

Jonnie, JJ, and I

Happy Trails:)

1 comment:

  1. The Grays Harbor Rodeo Court loved having you. We are happy you enjoyed your time in Elma. Thank you for coming!!!
