Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 6-7/ Colorama Rodeo in Grand Coulee

Rushing around to get the dodge packed up for another adventurer, I was excited to be taking my own horse to a rodeo this year. I have been riding so many other horses its always nice to get a chance to ride the horse that helped me win my title:) As my trusty stead and I pulled out of the driveway and headed to the Grand Coulee rodeo it was raining the whole way there, but when I got to the rodeo grounds the clouds opened up and the sun came shinning through making for a great night of rodeo. Bob Garrett was the announcer Friday and of course he had pick on me a little! I was proud to be there to represent Washington at this local event, everyone were so happy I was there showing I still had time for a rodeo like Colorama on its 54th anniversary.
Miss Moses Lake, me, and Miss Spokane Interstate

My mom and I at the parade...we won!!
The parade was on Saturday and I was lucky enough to win even though so many of the other royalty looked fabulous. I had a blast hanging out with the Colorama royalty and helping push calves, even though it was cold and rainy, I always enjoy being at Washington rodeos because everyone comes out to support all the competitors rain or shine:)

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