Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26/ Washington State Fur Trappers Vest & Miss NPRA Coronation

After receiving my vest they had me do a little spin:)
The drive to Centralia, WA was beautiful and I even arrived about 2 hours early to the Washington State Fur Trappers meeting. I had a blast getting to know some of the trappers and hearing some of their stories and they all laughed because I was for little old Omak:) I was surprised they even knew where it was. After enjoying some pizza with the trappers, the meeting was called to order and I was given my beautiful vest made out of red fox and beaver.                                              
Telling about where I've traveled so far and of course about  hog hunting trip!

 Off to Vancouver I went, to Taylor's house! I got there just in time to change into my dress and head to St. Helen's, Oregon for the Miss NPRA Coronation. It was a surprise that I was coming, but everyone was excited that I was there. The auction went well and my table got a great desert from the desert dash, and O my gosh was the Mr. NPRA funny:)
Me, Miss NPRA 2010 and Taylor
Taylor and I at the coronation
Thank you for following me on my adventures:)

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