Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 8th/ "A Salute To Rodeo" My Coronation!

As I got dressed, did my make up, and hurried down to the Elks Lodge before my guests arrived. I couldn't help, but think "this is it, I am going to be Miss Rodeo Washington after tonight" the excitement was rushing through my body. JJ Harrison being my Master of Ceremonies met with me before the night started and I explained to him what all was going to be happening that night.

JJ Harrison and I, I am sure he told me something funny here:)

Before I could blink the night had started and the grand opening was my famous trick roping skills which seemed to be majorly lacking that night, but everyone got a good laugh from it. After that JJ made some introductions and then passed the mic off to me to explain the Dessert Dash which if you have never done it, its a blast! Your table is secretly competing against every other table in the room for first choice of desserts. Then was dinner which the tables that got to go first had to answer questions about me.

                                         Explaining the dessert dash

Finally it's time for my crowning!! As the Miss Rodeo Washington board was being announced and called up to the front. It was time for me to be escorted in, my grandfather and step-dad were my escorts. As I got to the front Roy Chance the president of Miss Rodeo Washington had the honor of crowning me.

After the crowning ceremony I thanked everyone who stand behind me and have supported me to follow my dreams, which have all come true through hard work:). Now it's time for the money making part of the night, so the auction begins. I would like to thank everyone who generously donated auction items for my coronation and helped to make the night such a huge success!!

Finally it's a official I am Miss Rodeo Washington 2011!
My Parents and I



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