Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 17-21/ National Western Stock Show in Denver

I was so excited for this first trip I showed up to the airport 4 hours early, not even kidding! To my surprise I made it through security fairly fast and before I knew it was time to board the plane. I landed in Denver with so much excitement and just was ready for whatever was waiting for me there. I was so proud of myself for not getting lost of the way to baggage claim, I met the guy who gave me a ride to my hotel there and he was even nice enough to give me a many tour on the way.

First event was an autograph signing these were some of the kids that wanted our pics:)

Finally it was time to head over to the rodeo and get the horses ready for the first performance of the day, I got lucky enough to have Yuma which is the most laid back horse I've ever met. I also had a chance to walk out into the arena and be introduced with Miss Rodeo America, as the picture shows below.

The rodeos in Denver seemed do go very smoothly and it was an amazing experience to be able to carry flags and just help out with the rodeo. Another exciting event I got to do while I was there was visit Colorado's state capitol and be introduced in front of the House of Representatives and Senate. When here our bio's were read and I was fortunate enough to have a Senator come up and tell me about a great opportunity I have in their state for being Native America I could go to school there free.  I was speechless at this offer and am looking forward to learning more about this.
Now a little something to make you laugh, in Denver there are a lot of one way streets well when walking to the capital we were getting ready to cross one and Utah-Martina Wardle being the one in front made sure to look both ways on the one way and all we could do was crack up laughing because all of us did the same thing:) As I have learned from meeting the young ladies from other states we all speak a little different from one another and Mississippi for example was trying to say boil one and day and it came out bowl, we were all so confused at first but soon figured it out.

                                        Miss Rodeo Colorado, Bennie Cervi, and Myself

I had a blast and I just can't wait for my next trip and what it will have in store thank you to everyone who is following along on my travels and for supporting me.

Happy Trials & God Bless

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