Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27/ Grays Harbor Posse Rodeo-Elma,WA

Up at 5am to make the 4 hour drive over the pass to Elma, Washington since I had never been there I decided it would be best to leave earlier rather than have just enough time to get there. Well I ended up being 3 hours early to the rodeo which was nice to have some down time. JJ Harrison and Steve Kenyon were the barrel man and announcer of the rodeo which made it that much better.

Me, JJ Harrison, and Miss NPRA
I was honored to be the first Miss Rodeo Washington since 1994 to make it to the Elma rodeo, it was a wonderful rodeo and I really enjoyed doing the stick horse races with kids at the rodeo. I would like to thank the rodeo committee for inviting me and showing me such a great time :)

Jonnie, JJ, and I

Happy Trails:)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26/ Miss Moses Lake Rodeo Pageant

The contestants, Catrina, and I during orientation

As I arrive at the Moses Lake Fair grounds that Saturday morning and get the opportunity to meet the girls who were competing for the title. Then it was off to horsemanship in the arena, luckily it was a nice sunny day and all the girls got a chance to ride each others horses. Doing from a reigning pattern to flags and a presentation run. All of the girls did wonderful and handle each situation with grace.

The girls and I before horsemanship
After horsemanship there was a break until the night portion of the pageant which included a fashion show, speech, and impromptu questions. I had the pleasure of modeling with the contestants which included a casual outfit and then our western dresses. I decided to wear my lovely Washington fur trappers vest, wrangler jeans and Dan post boots for my first outfit and then I chose to wear my buckskin dress made my Mary Lou Langley for my western dress.

Our first outfits:)
After the pageant was completed and the points were being counted there was a silent and live auction that went very well. Finally it was time to find out the winner of the night and I was excited because I knew that any of the girls would do an amazing job representing Moses Lake Round Up. Brielle Noah, of Soap Lake, won the title and awards for photogenic, horsemanship, personality, appearance, and sales achievement. I am excited to travel and get to know her more through out this year!

I love this photo:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 10-14/ Utah:)

I met up with Jamie (Miss Spokane Interstate Rodeo Queen) and to the airport we went, unfortunately our flight was delayed and we ended up not landing in Salt Lake until after our shuttle had already left for Ogden. So we had to get a taxi which ended up costing us way more but I promised Martina I would make it in time for her to speak. After Orientation, we split into groups and met with different people about things we needed to know. Boot Camp went great and I learned a lot from it and made some wonderful new friends.
Miss Rodeo America and I
I stayed an extra couple days in Utah so that I could hang out with Martina, so she took me to temple square which was really neat. We also went to the rainbow garden which had a lot interesting items in it and Utah's state capital was awesome.
Miss Rodeo America and I
Martina(Miss Rodeo Utah) and I

March 5/ Miss Rodeo Oregon's Coronation

The Spirit Mountain Casino and Lodge was beautiful and the perfect place for a coronation dinner and auction. The night started out wonderful with a live band and all the silent auction items, that I of course had to bid on:) I had the pleasure of sitting with Ashley who was Miss Rodeo Oregon 2010, her family, and Lynn Miss Rodeo Oregon's National Director. They were a blast to hang out with and made the night that much better, the live auction went great. Finally it was time for the desert dash, my favorite part haha my table was 6th to be called and I was off running passing two other tables:).

Miss Rodeo Oregon and I
I also was honored to do the blanket dance with the Indian Princesses that were there and help raise money for Mackenzie, its only far after making her drive in a blizzard to my coronation.
Happy Trails and God Bless:)