Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 16&17/ Othello Rodeo

Last Washington rodeo of the year, I can't believe how time flies seems like just a year ago I had started the season and now its nearly over. I checked into my hotel and then headed to the autograph session at Walmart for Coors. JJ Harrison the barrel man for the rodeo, a bull rider who had rode with JJ and I were the only ones there, but I think the people really enjoyed seeing us out in the community.

Pinky and I in the Parade
I went and met my horse Pinky, who is a gelding and was great the whole weekend:) JJ even used him for his Rodeo Queen act in his fat suit and Pinky didn't even get scared. It was very cold and rained during Saturdays performance. Othello holds their queen tryouts during the rodeo, and the Courtney was announced as the 2012 Queen. The fair was also going on so I got a chance to help Kaycee, who was one of the Othello Rodeo Queen contestants sell her pig. Which I had never showed pigs so I sort of just herded it around the ring.

Kylie(MRWA'12) and I in Othello
Herding the pig!!
Lacey(Othello Queen) and I 

I had a great weekend and was sad to see the last Washington PRCA rodeo be over, but was excited to see my home again since I had been gone for almost a month it seemed.

Happy Trails!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 7-10/ Cheney Rodeo

Macy and I, looking bright and chipper for our early morning interview!!

Mark, Myself, and Macy(Cheney Queen)
After exactly an hour of sleep I was repacked and back on the road again to Cheney for my 5am TV interview with Mark Peterson from KXLY. After nearly hitting 3 deer, two coyotes, and a couple other animals I finally arrived safely to not only drive by the arena where the interview was once but twice before finally finding it!! That is why I always leave way early you never know when you'll need a little extra time because GPS doesn't always work. During the interview I was asked the most random questions like how do rodeo queens keep your hat on and what the flag team was called. Then we had a break for a few hours so we took the horses home and had a chance for a quick nap before the autograph section at Bi-Mart. That night was the kickoff dinner at the rodeo grounds with the whole rodeo committee, announcer(Al Parsons), and several other people. There was another bright and early TV interview in downtown Spokane and it literally took longer to saddle the horses and get all ready than the actual interview took. Then it was to the radio interviews and then Grand Entry practice which went really well. Finally its rodeo time:) we did grand entry, helped push calves, and then helped with the kids games.
Myself, Macy and the interviewer from the radio station.
Both Friday and Saturday after the rodeo was a dance that myself and a few of the other queens went to it was a lot of fun. Saturday my parents brought Smash down for the parade and rodeo and I always look forward to riding my own horse! Unfortunately Smash and my parents had to go home, so Sunday I used the borrowed horses again Dusty and he was really good. Sundays rodeo was family day so there were a lot more kids there. We had a closing of the rodeo BBQ at the rodeo grounds then I was off for the drive home to re-pack for my trip to Colorado Springs:)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cowboy Christmas is here!! 4th of July

Seth Emerson and I, my long lost cousin from Louisiana:)
Fourth of July weekend took me to Oregon for 3 of the hundreds going on during this time of year, I started out in Eugene which was so much fun the committee and everyone involved in the rodeo was so welcoming and made me feel right at home. The horse I got to use was one of the drill teams and it was a big black horse, since I had just received my pink chaps I decided to wear them most of the weekend. I got the chance to watch the Eugene rodeo in the stands with the crowd and I met some great people who were interested in hearing more about rodeo and it was great to be able to explain the sport I love to some new fans.
Mackenzie(Miss Rodeo Oregon), Myself, and Ann ( Miss Rodeo Nevada) in Molalla,OR
The next morning it was off to Molalla,OR for the Molalla Buckaroo Rodeo, where I met up with Cindy who actually used to carry flags at the Omak Stampede, so it was nice to see a familiar face. After completing grand entry Ann and I went and checked out all the booths and even tried on some of the random hats and things we found at the booths. Since St. Paul wasn't to far from Molalla I decided to drive there to stay with Jamie( Spokane Interstate Queen).
Jamie and I with the Pendleton Round Up Royalty

Jamie and I with the Mexican Performers

Jamie and I with Taylor (Miss Teen Rodeo WA)

I spent the rest of the weekend in St. Paul and if you've never been its a must see rodeo its start out with a parade of all the royalty and then they have several extra events during the rodeo that you don't see at most places like wild horse races or the pig race. While I was here I also had the chance to finally meet Seth Emerson who everyone kept asking if I was related to because we had the same last name, so we told people we were long lost cousins haha:) I had a great 4th of July weekend and met so many new people, it was amazing to travel around Oregon and see different rodeos I've never been to.

Jamie, Stetson Vest and I
God Bless and Happy Trails:)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 23-25/Reno Rodeo

Landing in Reno and making my way to baggage claim I didn't know who was going to be there to pick me up, but when Selena walked up and introduced herself I never expected that she would be the one to come and get me. Selena was Miss Rodeo America in 2005 and it was great to spend time with her while I was in Reno. I stayed at her mom's, Patsy house and since Miss Rodeo Arizona had missed her flight I ended up being the only state queen there. I had a chance to help with the mutton bustin each night at the rodeo and then got to ride in a wagon which went way faster than expected around the arena and also got to speak with the announcer Bob Tallman.
Riding on the wagons I'm right there in the front

The Wild Child and I
The Wild Child upside down during his back flip!!
We also toured around town and did several autograph sessions and different things in town. I was bummed to have to leave because I had so much fun with Selena and Patsy, I even got to meet the rest of the family because they were also at Patsy's house when I was there. Reno was one of the best rodeos I've been to this year so far:)
Signing a poster for fans

Autographs at Boot Barn
Sammy and I with some of the kids that came for Patriotic night

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18- Founder's Day Parade/ Colville Rodeo

After just arriving home, it was time to hit the road again to Medical Lake. It was their Founder's Day Festival and Parade. Since the recent horse scare the parade only had 3 horses in it and one queen was even rode a cow through. It was nice to be able to ride my own horse again and Smash looked handsome like always:)
Smash decided the picture should be of him:)

Then we loaded up and headed to Colville for the Pro-West Rodeo that was going on which I figured since we were already on the road why not hit it:) We arrived way early for the rodeo so we had plenty of time to scope out the town and see the different things going on from the market in the street to the sales going on in all the stores...can't pass up shopping!! Then it was time for the rodeo which was a great show and I even caught the football when the clown throw it to me and throw a perfect spiral back to him:) Finally it was time to head home which we didn't get there until about 3am, but it was worth it because I had an amazing day with my parents at the rodeo and parade.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 11-16/ NebraskaLand Days

Its off to North Platte I go:) Since there is only one airport in North Platte I had to go through security twice because I had to switch airlines. The plane I had to ride in only sat 15 people and the wind was so bad that I though that I was going to crash. Once I landed in North Platte as I'm standing at the baggage claim only one of my bags ended up making it. The other bag decided it liked New Mexico so much it wanted to go back and it had my make up and hair stuff in it. Finally I made it to my host home and got settled in when my family The Smith's got home and took me for a ride on the motorcycle on our way to a concert.
The first event for the Miss Rodeo Nebraska pageant was the horsemanship and then the kick off BBQ at both the other state queens and I got to entertain the crowd with our stories. Then some of the other queens and I went to the park to get ice cream and rode on the kids rides that were also there, it was a blast!! A fun event the first night was a stick horse relay race between different groups of queens and my team did so good, I think we should have won but 2nd isn't to shabby :)

This is my team:)

The next day we had several sponsor visits and a Kids parade in the morning, some of the costumes were so adorable. Then it was off to the Golden Spike tour because of the flooding we didn't get to go to the Rest Ranch. When going to the top of the spike only 10 people could fit in the elevator so a few of us volunteered to climb the stairs because we were told it was only 4 flights, but we quickly realized it was actually 8 and were sweating by the time we got to the top. The view was incredible though and I learned so much about trains. That night was the BBQ at the lake and I had a chance to go wakeboarding for the first time ever and even got up on my first try:) we also practiced the dance for the style show that was coming up the next day. At the style show each of us got a chance to say something about our state so I said, "Washington not Washerington, I know everyone loves a cup of Seattle's best coffee in the morning and by the way I'm not from Seattle in my town it doesn't rain 365 days a year".
At the Golden Spike


Also at the style show each of the state queens got a chance to model a dress and then our chap outfits which we performed the dance in. Finally it was time for the Buffalo Bill Rodeo:) We headed to the grounds to sign autographs then went and found our horses mine was a cute little sorrel who did great, I also had the chance to ride in the barrel truck. I had an amazing time in Nebraska and my host family was awesome, even though I was renamed Miss Directional Challenged hahaha:)

My Twin and I

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 1-5/ Miss Rodeo New Mexico Pageant

Lubbock, Texas?? Yes, I had finally arrived with 90 degree weather and still had a 2 hour drive to Clovis, New Mexico. I had to fly into Texas because it was the closest airport to fly into, but wow I was not prepared for the heat. The plane I flew in on was so small I was lucky enough to get a chance to ride up with the pilots it was amazing, I can't believe the things I have the chance to do:)

The first night we all got to relax and just catch up with each other, then it was up bright and early for two radio interviews which one was a country station and the other rock, but both were in the same building it was pretty neat. Then it was off to several autograph signings and meet and greets, and finally it was time to kick off the pageant. Each of the visiting royalty were presented with a flag boot from Bender's Dodge which was awesome because it's something I will use for years to come.

At the radio station

Jamie and I

We got a chance to speak at several breakfasts and different events and the City of Clovis' Mayor even presented us with a plaque of honor for being at the Pioneer Rodeo. Joe's Boot Shop was nice enough to let us use their limo to drive around all week and it was awesome because it not only could make every animal sound, but had a mic that we could talk to people on. The pageant went great and we actually had the dance to make up the dance for the fashion show which went so good:) Finally it was time for the rodeo and I got to do an arena run plus carry several sponsor flags. My New Mexico trip was awesome and hanging out with my twin Kaycee ( Miss Rodeo New Mexico), for some reason everyone always thinks we're sisters.

The Indian who did the opening act of the rodeo

My truck for the Parade

Joe's Limo

Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 27-29/ The Last Stand Rodeo

When I arrived Friday it was straight to the school for Kaycee (Miss Coulee City Rodeo) and I where we met with kids from kindergarten to 5th grade. I enjoyed talking to the kids about rodeo and the different events and I even had them set up barrels and race through them. After the school visits we did some sponsor stops and then it was back to the rodeo grounds to relax. The rodeo committee was nice enough to provide me with a camp trailer to stay in all weekend, it was super nice and I want to thank them for all of their hospitality. Saturday I had to be up bright and early to go to the Cowboy breakfast even though not many people showed up the breakfast was really good.

Rocking the wranglers:)
Parade time after driving up the hill to get my horse I saddled up and rode down to the arena before hitting the pavement since the horse hadn't been rode but once all year;) I survived the parade and had a break before the rodeo to relax a little. The committee decided to have me ride a different horse for the rodeo sine mine was being a little stinker. During the rodeo they had Mutton Busting for the kids which Kaycee and I got to judge the kids and it was so hard since they were all so cute.

Rodeo Queen stick horse race
TETWP day at the rodeo
On Sunday the girls and I did a queens stick horse race and it was a blast even though I didn't win haha I did end up 3rd. The rodeo went great and this was by far one of the funniest rodeos I had been to so far this year, can't wait for more Washington rodeos to come:)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 13-15/ Relay for Life,Oroville Parade, and Princeton Rodeo

Busy,Busy,Busy...I had the pleasure of helping to put on a local fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, being on the committee and a team captain for one of the teams that participated. Relay for Life is where for 24 hours teams walk around a track to raise money for cancer research and remember those lost and who have survived cancer. During the relay there are different games and things going on for entertainment, this year I was in charge of the Mr. Relay contest which is where a guy from each team dresses up as a girl and get 20 minutes to raise as much money as they can and then are asked to model and answer an impromptu question.
The Mr. Relay contestants and I :)

The luminaries all lite up around midnight

After walking all night for Relay for Life, I got a couple hours of sleep and then it was off to Oroville to ride in Omak's centennial train with the Mayor for the Parade. Our train even got second place that day and it was such an honor to be representing not only Washington, but the city of Omak in the Parade.

<--- With the conductor and the train:)

Sunday it was off to Canada I go to the Princeton Rodeo, after making it through the border in what seemed record time I finally arrived at the rodeo. I enjoyed a wonderful luncheon with the rodeos queen, Al Parsons the announcer and Dennis Halstead the barrelman. An interesting thing that Canadians do before rodeos is a walk through on the ground without horses, its the funniest thing you'll ever watch with adults and all of us queens galloping around and doing our waves. The rodeo was a blast and everyone was so happy to see me again since I had attended the rodeo before as the Omak queen.

Until next time Happy Trails:)